eGon Open and cross-sectoral planning of transmission and distribution grids
Driven by the expansion of renewable generation capacity and the progressing electrification of other energy sectors, the electrical grid increasingly faces new challenges: fluctuating supply of renewable energy and simultaneously a changing demand pattern caused by sector coupling. However, the integration of non-electric sectors such as gas, heat and e-mobility enables more flexibility options. This project aims to investigate the effects of sector coupling on the electrical grid and the benefits of new flexibility options. Like the previous project open_eGo, this work will follow the open-source and open-data principles.
Our tasks
Sector Coupling
We want to identify the opportunities and potentials, but also challenges of progressing sector coupling. We also want to optimize the modelled energy system with regard to the overall costs.Planning Tool
In eGon, we will expand the grid planning tool eGo following the established open-source principles. We will connect the electrical grid with additional sectors and integrate more electrical flexibilities.Modeling and Complexity
There is a conflict between complexity of modeling and accuracy of calculation. Therefore, we will further develop, examine and apply approaches for an adequate reduction of complexity.Open Data / Open Source
We will follow open-source and open-data principles by exclusively using input data which is freely available and publish own results under open-source and open-data licenses.
Our previous research project open_eGo with its resulting grid planning tool eGo provides the basis for the current project eGon. Incorporating all grid levels, from transmission grid to low-voltage distribution grids, this tool can be used to investigate grid expansion scenarios considering alternative flexibility options such as storages and redispatch. Just like eGon, open_eGo was carried out following the open source and open data principles.
Our tools
The open-source tool eTraGo optimizes grid and storage expansion on the German 380, 220 and 110 kV voltage levels for future power system designs.
Our workshops
Priorization of research questions, scenarios, assumptions and parameters
Find the results in Publications
In our final workshop we presented our results and introduced our tools and data.
The workshop was held on 2nd June 2023 at the Schleswig-Holstein’s Representation in Berlin
Agenda and venue: see program (in German). Please note that prior registration is required (free of charge).
Find the results in Publications
This research project (FKZ: 03EI1002) receives funding within the 7th Energy Research Programme by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action from December 2019 until March 2023